Don’t quote me on the 2.4 verses to 5G all I know is I put a range
extender in the garage on the opposite wall of where the camera was in
between the camera and the router and suddenly I don’t have that problem
anymore. I added rage extender near oth...
I found the issue is largely the proximity and strength of the Wi-Fi
signal. The cameras must operate on 2.4 GHz but if they are too far from
the base station with a single listen, strong enough then they won’t be
able to report the video. the proble...
What if any resolution did you receive? I’m having the same issue and it
is not a wifi issue because I will have multiple videos that work just
fine and then smack in the middle k reciff CD e this very message
I suspect that they are trying to push users into buying the google hub
screen instead of most folks using the phone app. It is not uncommon to
influence hardware purchases by limiting software features. FWIW I just
figured this nest app issue out my...