SuperAdam. I have purchased the MOV and will install as soon as it
arrives. It burns me up when someone from nest "Brad" asks if there is
anything else we need. Yes, we need a doorbell that works or a solution
(from nest) on how to fix it. I am thank...
Brad. Yes, I still need assistance. All the solutions I see are bandaids
the the one showing the most promise coming from outside of google.1. I
cannot reset my device because it cuts out when I attempt to do it.
Everything I read says that this will...
Thanks SuperAdam. Had I read a bit further I would have seen that. I
thought that it was attached to the doorbell chime (from the pictures),
but will revisit that as well and install as directed.I have since
ordered a 30 volt 100 amp MOV and plan to ...
I am still having this issue. I have provided feedback through Google
Home, including the captures of logs, etc. Now I need to know how to fix
this problem.