If you don't have Nest automations programmed to read data from Philips
Hue motion sensors, then you probably don't care.
https://labs.meethue.com/formulas/huelabs/temperature-monitor Sounds
like Hue developers changed a variable name.
So, Google isn't going to support their own Nest Detect in "Local Home
SDK" mode? One of the most capable open/close + occupancy sensors
created? (not to mention expensive for early adopters who invested
Sure glad Google is cancelling the Nest Guard we were using for this
with our Yale Lock, and continuing to improve our user experience and
substantial investments in their smarthome "vision"... /s I will never
buy another Google product again. I can ...
Yep. I bought over $1000 of Nest Detect sensors for my home at $50/ea
for window security and motion sensors. Come April 8, it is my
understanding (so far) that my smarthome investment will become
arbitrarily useless without the discontinued Nest Gua...
"Should." So, a community member who doesn't actually know anything, is
fronting for a massively profitable conglomerate who screwed their
customers over, again, and provided no details because they were either
incompetent, or cowards. Either reason ...