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since ‎09-25-2023

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After I got the code to associate the account, I went to interact with Google. Google returned the token, but when I returned to the Google Home App, there was an error message.
您好,这是我获得 googlehome 授权码后发回 googlehome 的网址。里面包含了我发回的参数,但是我发回后,googlehome提示弹窗显示未知错误。我用浏览器打开了这个链接。显示404。您能告诉我这个链接中哪个参数拼接错误吗?或者指出发现的其他错误以及我应该如何纠正它们?谢谢
How to obtain googlehome authorization code on iOS and send it back to googlehome。I see that the documentation has examples for Android, but there is no example for iOS. How should I pass the obtained authCode field back to googlehome? Thanks。