Hi Jeremy,Thanks for the reply. I was told today it was finally filed as
a bug and nothing here on the forum can assist. We just have to wait
until it's investigated by the developers and crossing fingers it's not
another 1 year wait like the crackli...
Seems to be a known bug from what Google Support has told me and
engineers are "looking" into it. Reminds me of the year most of us on
here dealt w/ the clicking/ popping noises on our devices....hoping this
is solved in much less time..lol.
Known issue...filed 3 different tickets and was told they were working
on it.....then told after months of waiting & over 3 dozen feedback's
through the app and device that they need to file it as a bug....not
sure why that wasn't the first thing tha...
whelp...looks like Google removed the functionality of this as well
(didn't work tonight for me when it did since Saturday)....you gotta be
kidding me , so disregard the above post.