For Context: Every time I get up to use the bathroom during those hours
the screen is on for some apparent reason when it's suppose to be off. I
have the brightness settings set to very low darkness at night whenever
I use it. Also, I have auto scree...
The sound isn’t going off, yet the display shows the alarm or timer is
over. Yes, I have sound picked out and volume selected at specific
level. I just got the device a few days ago, so it’s relativity new.
Thank you in advanced with any help.
Hello there! An update. My screen hasn’t turned on as of lately in the
night that I have noticed. So I think my problem may have solved itself.
I’ll continue to monitor either way.
Thanks Jeremy! Tried the first 2 steps. Have My Activity turned off.
Won't try step 3 because factory resetting has never worked out for me
in the past. I'm guessing my problem is a light/sound sensitivity issue
or maybe an auto updating setting I co...
Google Nest Hub Gen. 2.No error codes or messages.It's been going on for
a while now since I changed my display settings.Never been knocked down
or dropped before.Yes.