They had to remove grouped speakers for the Sonos law suit, that
shouldn't make voice commands not work if you add the word "the". That's
just sloppy code review after likely making changes to the system due to
Sonos. They just haven't cleaned it up ...
Yes but that's my point, the software should not go haywire for
customers if you add "the". It didn't before. And it's not user
friendly. Customers shouldn't have to adapt to new bugs in the software.
This is exactly the problem when you throw "the" in your phrase it often
doesnt work and seems to confuse the assistant on my google homes.
Something that worked so well for years seems to have so many issues
now, I hope they devote some time to fix ...
I don't agree customers should change how they use voice commands, the
end user should not be adapting to faults of the software. That is
backwards.One frustrating thing I have found if I say "ok google turn
down volume on bedroom tv"That will work. ...
What has been resolved? It is still a problem for most of us. What
version and what device are you using that resolves this? My google home
still changes the volume on the google home and not the tv.