I think I see the problem. All of your set points (orange balls) are at
18. Each set point of 18 tells the Nest, "Heat to maintain a temperature
of 18 until the next set point." Instead, you want your schedule to look
something like:7:30 189:00 916:0...
I had misinterpreted your post -- yes, it's true, you can't schedule the
Nest to turn off. Unless you manually (or via Home/Away Assist) put the
Nest into Eco mode or Off mode, it will always call for heat as much as
is necessary to maintain the temp...
I notice that you have Home/Away Assist turned on and your Eco
temperature is set to 17, so even when the Nest believes that you're
away it's going to run the heat to keep your house at 17. Is that what
you want? Be sure that your Nest is not set to ...
It's true that you can't set temperatures lower than 9 in your schedule
(Google, WHY?), but you can set your Eco temperature as low as 4. Turn
on Eco mode when you don't want the Nest to heat to 9. Or turn the Nest
to Off mode. Or, if you're away dur...
First, I want to make sure I understand your screenshots. In the first
photo, I believe that the Nest is saying the room temperature is 10. Was
that true at the time? It also indicates that you've turned the Mode to
Off, correct? So, at the time of t...