10-25-2022 06:06 AM
Beware, this is a lengthy and detailed post:
I cannot add other users to my chromecast homes. I get as far as to just press "Add" at the end of the line, and I just get an error message that says (freely translated) "Users cannot be added at this time. Try again later." I've been trying for two years by now.
Research shows that the issue lies in the fact that we (the school that holds the problem) are using Google workplace (former G Suite) accounts. The only answer I can find is that adding users in this environment does not work, and the suggestion is that we stop using Google Workspace. It's out of my hand in whether we can change environment or not, and we made a major investment in chromebooks for our students and our teachers. We need to keep using Google Workspace.
Seriously, this cannot be the answer. I cannot be alone in managing every chromecast because Google only allows one user in this specific case. We want to be able to use our iPads to mirror them on screen via the Google Home app, but we cannot, because to do that you must be a member of the home. We cannot use guest mode, because this allows students to hi-jack our chromecasts.
Our system (although this does not seem to be the source of the problem) works like this:
We have connected the chromecasts to an IP-range in our wifi that is desegnated to personel usage, meaning that only personel can use the casts (via PEAP user credentials). All devices that wish to use our casts are connected to this network with approved credentials. This works fine for casting via chromebooks, and other devices using apps with integrated cast-functions, such as Youtube and Spotify. Users (excluding myself) are however not able to change settings such as names and homes. Neither can users, as stated above, use the Google Home app to mirror iPads or other tablets.
What if there's an issue and I'm not there? What happens if I quit? I can't be alone in managing all of our chromecasts, and we can't buy brand new Apple-TVs because of an issue like this.
Please, Google, this is not an issue that has been resolved. I know that this issue is experienced by many others beside me, and it's not moving forward. Please fix this. I'll give you what I can, but stop acting like the issue is resolved because a user can't reply to you right away. I'm a teatcher. I'm not available at all times. I need some time to be able to reply to you properly. Also, I'm in Sweden, so time zones affect my response time.
11-10-2022 08:23 AM
Hi Viktor-IT,
Thanks for posting here in the Google Nest Community.
We appreciate people who are keen on sharing their thoughts with us. For now adding a Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) account is not yet supported. We're always looking for ways to improve. I'd suggest you submit feedback about it, here's how.
Let us know if you have other questions and concerns otherwise, we will be locking this thread after 24 hours.