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Fixing "Google Account is linked with another Nest account"

Community Member

I am getting the message  "Google Account is already linked another Nest account".   How do I remove that association and associate it with the create Nest account.   


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey BirchwoodBill, 


Thanks for reaching out. I want to check on this further. 


Quick question — are you trying to migrate your Nest account to Google? If yes, are you attempting to migrate your Nest email address to the same Gmail account? If your answer is yes to both questions, please follow the suggestions here:




Hi Melba,

If I understand right, the article you linked says that in this case you cannot migrate the account and have to start all over (unless you want to create a new google account just for this, which I certainly don't).

"It is not possible to unlink a Google Account and Nest Account that have already been linked to each other."  ...and gives steps to instead remove your devices from existing Nest account and start over on the mysteriously-already-existing Nest account associated with your Google ID.  It looks not like a migration but like a starting over.

What, if anything, should the user expect will be migrated by following those steps?  Will the history, schedules, authorized users still be there if I remove devices from my Nest account, abandon my Nest account, and set them up in my "already-exists" empty Nest within my google ID?

I was a bit lost on the benefit of migrating to begin with, but was going to do it since google/nest kept nagging me to do it.  If the devices keep my history, settings and schedules by doing this, I may still do it.  It should also be known what to expect with regard to users (guessing they're all lost, and there may be a complicated process for them to leave my nest nest home and join my google nest home).



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there, 


I understand how you feel and thanks for voicing it out. 


Yes, I'm afraid that you can't migrate a Nest account to the same Gmail email address. Also, when you opt to remove your Nest devices from your Nest account so you could start over with the same email address but with Google, everything will need to start from scratch. These include your history, schedules and inviting members as part of your household. 


Sorry about this and I understand the inconvenience you'll need to go through — we'll ensure to take this as feedback and pass it along to our team as well. 




Thanks for confirming. One small point of clarification: it's not an inconvenience I'll need to go through. It is a poorly designed situation, but fortunately I lose nothing by not doing it at all. I'm simply not going to do it. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there, 


I understand and you're welcome. Rest assured that your feedback is greatly appreciated — we'll ensure to learn from it as we're constantly working on ways to improve. 




Community Specialist
Community Specialist



I haven't heard from you in a while so I'll be locking this thread if there is no update within the day. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the community.


