09-30-2023 10:07 AM
(I got a response but now previous thread is locked and not sure why it's locked)
Hi all,
Trying to add a new "Works with Google" device (Powershades). After I fill in my username and password in Powershades page from the redirect.
"Could not reach Powershades. Please try again."
and it is a continual loop since I never get a chance to input my username and password again.
I tried the uninstall Google App, clear Google app cache, try to install "works with Google" device and it still does not work. Any ideas?
I'm on Google App 13,17,16.29
10-03-2023 01:46 PM
Hi MoroccoMole9,
Thanks for reaching out. We apologize if your thread was closed sooner than you would have liked. As community specialists, we occasionally do a bit of housekeeping to keep the conversations in our community fresh and relevant. This includes locking threads after a period of inactivity.
Upon checking, it appears that you tried contacting the Powershades support team about it. Did you get any response from them?
10-03-2023 01:57 PM
Thanks Juni.
I'm still waiting for Powershades response.
10-07-2023 02:17 PM
Hello there,
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Feel free to update this thread once you receive an update from them.