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Home App - setting up “Homes”

Community Member

I currently have three devices which are located in the same house, but on the Google Home app they are each listed as a a separate home. How can I combine those three devices that are already listed as a separate home into one single homes? Do I have to delete those separate homes and start all over again or is there someway to combine what I already have?  Hoping that makes sense.


Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Delete the two devices from the homes there in. Now delete the 2 seperate homes. Factory reset the devices and set them up in the one home. You may run into difficulty if you were not the account that the two were setup with.

Deleting anything in Home seems to be an issue. The current version of Home from Google Play ( has no delete option for devices, although the online help articles keep referencing it. I was on a chat with a Google rep who essentially did nothing and then just dropped the chat. A lot of functionality (change wifi, modify parameters, delete stuff, etc) is missing. The app works about like I'd expect an Alpha release to function, not a Version 2. 

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

So if you click on the device and then settings there is no remove device all the way at the bottom of the page?  Same with home>settings at the bottom leave this home?

Community Member

I do have a "Delete this home" box in red at the bottom of the home option screen.

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

How about the "remove device" from the settings screen for the devices?

Community Member

I just went and updated my version of Home (downloaded 2 days ago). My version is now and now I have a red "Remove device" box at the bottom of the device Options screen. It wasn't there yesterday. Now if there was only a way to change wifi parameters without deleting the devices, hard resetting them, and reinstalling ...

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


Thanks again for helping here, @kiltguy2112. @Jammin2, I hope you've got the answer you're looking for. In addition, it would help a lot if you could open this link to further your knowledge about moving devices between home structures. For Wi-Fi changes, it's best to follow the steps on this guide.


I hope this helps.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


I wanted to check in and see if you managed to see Dan's post. Please let me know if you have any questions from here. I would be happy to assist, and make sure you are good to go.

Best regards,

Community Member

I did see Dan's reply. It did NOT answer my questions or fix my problems. The procedures and manuals he referenced either weren't applicable or did not work with the Android version of Home currently available in the Google Play Store. I still can't add anyone else to my Home and there's no way to access any Wi-Fi parameters. For an app that is supposed to be utilized by multiple people and for a Wi-Fi connected device, that's terrible UX design.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Jammin2, 


Chiming in — I'm sorry that you had to go through this and I understand how you feel. Could you fill out this form and let me know once done? 





Form has been submitted.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Jammin2, 


Got your form. Our team will reach out to you through email and will continue from there. I'll leave this thread open for three more days to give more time to @T2Georgia to fill out the form. 





Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi T2Georgia,


Chiming in-- have you had the chance to fill out the form?




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


I wanted to check in, and let you know that I will be locking the thread in 24 hours.


Best regards,
