05-03-2022 02:08 PM
Trying to enable the Alexa skill to enable a Nest account. I have an older Nest account associated with a non-Google account and I'm trying to migrate it to a gmail account so that it works, but it looks like I've accidentally associated the gmail account with Nest even though there aren't any devices associated with it. Is there any way of un-associating the gmail account with Nest so I can migrate to it from the non-Google Nest account? Thanks!
05-12-2022 02:04 AM
Hey gmoneyb,
Thanks for posting and welcome to the Google Nest Community.
I'm afraid that the migration process is non-reversible even if it is accidental. I understand this is not the answer you're hoping for but the only way to proceed with migrating your Nest account to Google, is to create a new Gmail account or use another one that does not was never been associated with Nest before.
05-19-2022 11:28 PM
Hey there,
Checking back in should you have further questions about this.
05-23-2022 11:20 PM
I haven't heard from you in a while so I'll be locking this thread if there is no update within the day. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the community.