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Nest & G Suite Accounts. Fail

Community Member

I just got a nest doorbell and am trying to simply hook it up to my gmail account (which is a G Suite account). For some reason it is saying "Your Nest Account can’t be migrated to a G-Suite account. Use your personal Google Account instead." Then I tried using the Google Home app to simply setup the device and it stalls out on the supplemental terms page with a similar (albeit cryptic) message. 

Some posts here and on redit have a link to providing additional security access to these app for the G Suite domain (done), but not enough details about which permissions specifically. I have tried any that I can think of and it still is giving me the same error. 

Assumedly you don't want to alienate huge numbers of users that have been some of your most loyal Google users for 10+ years, ones that likely are paying for a G Suite account, and are simply trying to get one of your flagship products working on their account. 

And any reply that says the answer is to setup a new, different gmail email just for this purpose is not the right answer.

Another thread on this topic was closed for some reason:


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Setup of the product you've bought requires a normal personal Gmail account. It cannot be setup using a Google Workspace account. I wish there was a workaround to offer you but there isn't one unfortunately.

I don't work for Google.

Community Member

I found this out the hard way wasting half of my weekend day installing it then troubleshooting thinking it wasn't possible that they wouldn't support paid gmail accounts (i.e. Google Workspace). Alas.