09-09-2021 11:58 PM
Hi, I live in Croatia, Spotify is no more on a list of music services on Google Home, I can choose only youtube music... Deezer, Spotify and other providers are no more available to choose. Please help
09-10-2021 05:47 PM - edited 09-10-2021 05:50 PM
I have the same problem. It's area specific. The easiest workaround is to download ExpressVPN and connect to a Server in the USA. It may take a few minutes but you will then see all the services on your device.
From there you can connect them and when you disconnect the VPN it still stays connected even tho it doesn't show and those services then work with the Google Assistant.
I did this and it worked so I was able to cancel the VPN service afterwards. But keepi g the VPN also allows you additional content on Streaming services like Netflix.
Hope this helps.
09-16-2021 03:12 PM
Hi All,
Thank you both for reaching out.
@Na3d Could you please tell me when this issue started happening? Do you have a date you could provide me of when you noticed your Spotify music service disappearing from the Google Home App?
@JimMyTT thanks for your post as well. Just wondering, is there anything I can help you with?
Thanks for your patience and I look forward to your response.
09-17-2021 12:25 AM
Hi, I notice it on 9th of september. But I was using youtube music for a couple of weeks, than when i try to set spotify it doesn't show anymore. And no Deezer too, the only service that I can link is Youtube music, but without premium account it can not be used on the nest, which I think is a really bad thing and the price for 1 month is way, way, way too expensive, 2x the price for spotify or deezer. Please solve the link problem or low the price for yt premium.
09-24-2021 12:57 PM - edited 09-24-2021 01:00 PM
Hello Na3d,
Thanks for your patience at this time. Could I get you to try a troubleshooting step?
Could you please change your mobile device's language to something else? (example: English (US)) Does Spotify show up on the Google Home App? Or is there no improvement?
Here are the steps:
For Android: Settings > System > Languages & input > Languages
For iOS (Apple): Change Language
Please keep me updated, I look forward to your response. Thank you.
09-25-2021 12:13 AM
Hi, I changed the language and region but still nothing. When I change to my language (Croatian) I don't have youtube music too. Please verify why is this happened, because a month back I have spotify and viber on the list
09-29-2021 02:36 PM - edited 09-29-2021 02:37 PM
Hi Na3d,
Thank you for your patience. I appreciate it.
Just wanted to confirm, does this issue still happen when you specifically set your phone's language to ENG (US)?
If changing the language to ENG (US) does not work, this issue may be caused due to your location.
Google Home devices have not been launched in Croatia so we can't guarantee that all features will work there as intended.
Please keep me updated, thanks!
09-29-2021 02:53 PM
Yes, I tried with English US and still nothing. It was on a list 1 month ago, and till today when I said to play some music on Spotify it worked. The really strange thing is that I can link Spotify for podcasts, but not for music. It's some software problem that come with some new update. At least You should give Us a youtube music premium for a decent price like spotify or deezer, because 10USD per mounth is way, way too much. So please verify where is the problem or help Us to get what We have payed for!
Best regards
10-15-2021 10:39 AM
Hi Na3d,
Thank you for trying a variety of troubleshooting steps. I apologize that the issue has not been resolved.
Unfortunately, we have tried all of the troubleshooting steps available. Also, Google Home devices have not been released and are not supported in Croatia yet, so features are not guaranteed to work. For future reference, here is the Google Store's website which lists our devices and the supported countries.
If you'd like, you can send in feedback to the team. Steps to sending in feedback.
Once again, I apologize for inconvenience caused.
10-18-2021 03:43 PM
Hi there,
It's been a few days since we have heard from you. Just checking to see if you saw my response and if you had any other questions or concerns. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
10-18-2021 11:41 PM
Hi, I understand the issue, but there's no solution for this issue.... I asked You if it could be than possible to have youtube music for a normal price or for free, because You sell a product that is not compatible with spotify all over the world. That's the problem! So You said that You apologize but still no response abou some youtube music offer. No solution from Your side, so give Us something to compensate this issue. I should have bought Alexa....
10-26-2021 12:46 PM - edited 10-26-2021 12:51 PM
Hello Na3d,
As your device is in Croatia, it is in an unsupported country. As I explained earlier, devices that are in unsupported countries are not guaranteed to work. As you are in an unsupported country, I am unable to provide any other support as we have already tried different troubleshooting steps.
For future reference, we list on our website the devices and which countries they are supported in. Here is the link. As you can see on the website, we do not have any devices supported in Croatia yet. If you'd like, you can send in feedback to the Google team and suggest that Croatia becomes a supported device country in the future.
Lastly, I do not work for YouTube Music so I cannot give a free subscription.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.
11-23-2021 11:16 AM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day,
Garrett DS
09-29-2021 03:54 AM
Ok, now I can not play spotify even if I said play on spotify (You need to link Your account first...). Last month I used spotify, just need to tell: " play on spotify".
Until You solve the problem, it would be really to give Us a Youtube Music premium free or at least for a normal price like Spotify or Deezer (5$). It's really a bad thing that We're not be able to play music on google nest because it's the main reason why We purchased the units. And it's really a bad thing that You need to have a Youtube music premium account on nest and nest mini, while on google hub You don't.
So please if You can not reslove the Spotify link problem, give Us a solution with Youtube music.
11-17-2021 11:33 AM
I think you don't understand the situation, they (Google) don't want you to use Spotify or Deezer, they want to take you money for youtube music, which is not just far more expensive but really terrible service compared to previously mentioned ones. There's no single technical obstacle to enable those services in all countries where they are natively supported, it's just Google's will to not allow that.
Once upon a time there were two greedy giants - Apple and MS and Google which was caring about their users. Now we still have those two, but Google become more greedy than both Apple and MS together, and they absolutely don't care about users (i was forced few times to use Google support about some issues with my account and i can tell that's the worst support ever!).