a month ago
When can we expect all the features of the Nest app to carry over to Google home? I have multiple legacy cameras I refused to migrate from the Nest app because the feature to scrub video history forward and back 15 seconds is invaluable, and also happens to be missing from the the Google Home app. Would love to see this move over. I would move my cameras over in a heartbeat
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4 weeks ago
OHhhh,, yes, I see what you mean. I completely agree and miss 15-second jump as well. As we have all been waiting for 3+ years google is SLOWLY moving features to the Google Home app. Also, this is just a user forum and I know that google does not read these. But what we can do is in the Google Home App click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select FEEDBACK and make this request. I just did it. The more people request things the higher it probably gets on their list.
4 weeks ago
Hello, I have been able to do this for a long time. I transferred my Gen 1 outdoor cam over to the Google Home app about 8 months ago.
1st: Go into the Google Home app and go into the setting and scroll down (it is way at the bottom of the list) and make sure you have the PUBLIC PREVIEW turned ON.
Nest: When you are looking at the live image for the camera and you see all the 'EVENTS' in the list you will also see a small icon just under and to the right of the camera image. It looks like 3 little dots just to the left of small box. When you click it it changes so you can scroll thru the 24/7 timeline just like in the Nest app.
Let me know if that works
4 weeks ago
Scrolling through the timeline is not was is being addressed. It’s the fine scrubbing that is missing as a feature. 15 seconds back and forth specifically- having those two actions to tap on the feed makes it so much easier once you get near a specific event that occurred.
4 weeks ago
OHhhh,, yes, I see what you mean. I completely agree and miss 15-second jump as well. As we have all been waiting for 3+ years google is SLOWLY moving features to the Google Home app. Also, this is just a user forum and I know that google does not read these. But what we can do is in the Google Home App click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select FEEDBACK and make this request. I just did it. The more people request things the higher it probably gets on their list.
4 weeks ago
Yes! Thanks for doing that. I have been adding feedback in the app directly. Wanted to add it here as well to boost user visibility.