01-05-2024 10:12 AM
I have 3 cameras that work fine. I added a 4th and it installed fine. The Camera does not show on the monitor..
01-05-2024 12:30 PM
What do you mean by a "monitor"? Are you referring to a computer monitor where you're using a browser to access the home.google.com website? On this website, you should be able to livestream all 1st gen and 2nd gen cameras and doorbells in the same Google Nest "home/structure". If you're accessing the home.nest.com website, you should be able to access and administer all 1st gen cameras and doorbells (those installed in the Google Nest app) in the same Google Nest "home/structure".
So, it could depend on which specific cameras you have (Google Nest app vs. Google Home app).
01-06-2024 08:05 AM
I found where it says Gen 2 does not work with the Nest app. It gets installed on Google app and can be seen on Google app but not on Nest app. I have3 cameras that I view on an Ipad and they work fine with the Nest app, They were installed with Google. I tried to add a 4th camera that can not be seen on the Nest app.. Bottom line , The camera is going back to the store and now I have to find an older camera that I know works with Nest. I'm sure Google is working on a fix. If not , it's their loss.
01-06-2024 08:13 AM
Google Nest is gradually providing the ability for customers to test out transferring their 1st gen cameras from the Google Nest app to the Google Home app in the beta "Public Preview" version of the Google Home app, but it's not available for doorbells, and the Google Home app still lacks numerous Nest app functions (https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/13038234#zippy=%2Cnest-app-only-features), so we're not using it.
We've been using 2 apps ever since buying a battery camera in Sept. 2021. I'm not fond of the 2-app approach.
01-10-2024 02:32 PM
Hi everyone,
@Skippen, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. The new Nest Cameras and Nest Doorbells are exclusive to the Google Home app because we wanted to create an integrated experience with your speakers and displays. We’ll take note of it and ensure that we'll learn from your experience as we continually improve our products and services. Rest assured that we'll take this as feedback and learn from this to deliver a better process and experience in the future.
I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.