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Google Nest Support Is Terrible

Community Member
Case ID [2-6768000034226]
Other case numbers:
I have not had a good experience with  Google Nest Support in connection with the return of two defective Google Nest cameras. Google sent me a pair of new cameras and I promptly returned the pair of defective cameras in the original box.  UPS confirmed Google Nest received them providing me notice of the Google representative that signed for them.  Then Google Nest charged my credit card for failing to return the cameras.  I have provided Google time and time again with the evidence that the pair of cameras were returned.  After numerous follow ups on my part over two months Google refunded me for one camera of the pair but is refusing to refund the $251.99 for the second camera after close to 6 months of patiently trying and over 15 separate attempts on my part and other follow ups.  I have been directed to many different support personal who make me provide all the information again.  I have been assigned five different case numbers.  At several points Google Nest Support has advised me verbally and also in writing that they received both cameras back and I will be refunded for the return of the second camera of the pair.  But the refund never shows up!  I honestly feel I am just being given a run around  with the intent to just get me to give up and let them keep my money!!
Maybe I need to see if I can get to talk to a senior executive with Google.  Very poor customer service, to say the least.
How do I submit a Google Review of Google Nest Support.  It will be. “Zero” out of Five.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi dballou,


I’m sorry to hear about your experience. This is definitely not the experience we want you to have. I’ve checked your case and it looks like our team has sent you a follow-up email. Please check your inbox for more information about it. Let me know if you have other questions and concerns. We're here to help.




Not applicable

Yep and as you can see you're still receiving the generic replies and receiving the never ending google runaround. I sympathize with you. I regret purchasing the 7 battery cams i own. A friend gave me one as well as they had never ending issues with it so they bought another brand and moved on. I however have over $2000 au invested in the 7 i bought and google wont refund me so I'm stuck with 7 faulty cameras and a google home app that doesn't work after the last update to the app. Pathetic stuff from a company like google hey. I just regret listening to the salesman at the store and not doing my own research first on how bad these cams really are. There's thousands of bad reviews and the number increases exponentially every day. Im kicking myself for being so stupid hey like what was i thinking trusting such a company that they'd have consumers best interests at heart i just feel so foolish. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Fraa,

I can understand how you feel about this. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Tell us more about what's happening with your Nest cameras. When did the issue start? What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far?


Looking forward to your response.




Not applicable

The issues are never ending and always have been where do i start? The app and cameras being totally unusable started after the google home update

That app version is shonky and unusable on my android device. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,

Got it, thanks for sharing that with us. Let’s see what’s going on — a few questions: what are the status lights of the cameras? How far are the cameras from the router? What Wi-Fi frequency band are the cameras connected to (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz)? Were there any changes to your Wi-Fi network? Also, are there devices or appliances (such as baby monitors, microwaves, cordless phones, etc.) near the camera?


Looking forward to your response.



Not applicable

2.4ghz. All the cameras have a strong excellent wifi signal. Ive never owned a microwave in my entire life never will. Theres zero devices near any of the cams. No changes to wifi...

I find it amusing that google reps cant and wont accept its the google home app thats faulty when there's literally millions of complaints about googl llc apps on their own play store. Sorry to be blunt its the home app its faulty after the last update. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,

Thanks for sharing the information with us! Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall your Google Home app, restart your phone and router? If there’s a pending iOS update, please finish the update as well.




Not applicable

You're joking right? All troubleshooting steps have been undertaken multiple times...

  Still trying to blame something else other than the google home app. The  app is faulty.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


I want to check if you have additional questions and concerns about your device. Let us know by updating this thread, and we're glad to assist you further.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there,


Just checking in to make sure that you saw our responses. I'll be locking this thread if we don't hear back from you again in 24 hours. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there,


Understood — could you help us with the troubleshooting you have tried? 


Looking forward to your response.

