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Nest cameras / door bell massive lag and delays

Community Member

Anyone else having issues?  Its slowly been getting worse.

For info I am on 100 down and 30 up fibre to the property connection.

I have a good quality MESH network (700mb/s), and all cameras are in LOS of a node.

I am 100% convinced its a processing issue on googles side.


Open nest app, wait for cameras to load - may take 30-40 seconds.   Does not matter if ipad, phone etc.

Push Notifications of "saw a person".  At least 60 second delay, usually 3 minutes or so.

Cameras often "your camera was off or offline" when looking back over the history.  At least 4 or 5 times a day.

Door bell rang, usually 30 second lag.  Often more.

All in all its just gone down hill.  I have had these cameras for 5 years now and every year the system just seems to get slower and slower.




Community Member

I took an experimenting these same issues. The lag time is so bad on Nest Hello, by the time the video feed opens, the person is gone.

Same type issue happens with my camera's on my Nest Hub devices. 

You're right, the response time has gotten much worse over the past 2-3 years.

If anyone can shed light with a solution, please respond to Xoom22.



Not applicable

Mine sometimes dont notifying me at all I'm only aware of the event when i open the app and toggle activity

Community Member

Been testing today and max lag has been 15 minutes!

Was 2 minutes this morning, But after 1pm (UK time) it really slowed down.   US waking up?

To put this into perspective when I first had these cameras (2016 ish) the notifications were max 3-5 seconds.  And back then I had ADSL running at about 50/10 where as today I am on FTTP 100/30.   So twice as fast down and 3 times as fast up.  <shrugs>


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


@All, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. To confirm, how far is it from your Wi-Fi router? How many devices are connected to your internet?


If you have a lot of open apps on your phone, they can slow down its overall performance. Try closing some apps, including the Home app or the Nest app, and then re-open only the app you need to view your video. Other devices in your home may be using a lot of bandwidth. You can temporarily stop a device’s bandwidth use manually by quitting an app or program, disconnecting it from Wi-Fi or ethernet, or by turning it off. The video can be delayed if your Nest Camera, phone, tablet or computer is connected to a Wi-Fi extender, which adds extra relay time to any device that’s using it. In this case, connect your Nest Camera directly to your Wi-Fi router to help reduce the delay. 


Hit this link for more information and let us know how it goes.




Community Member

My cameras are all within 5m of a node.  My network runs at Latency is not an issue I can assure you.  My external ping is well under 200ms for most servers, even a server on the other side of the world its 250ms.  This should not translate to 5 minutes of lag from the Google servers.  Its, in my very humble opinion, down to lack of processing power on Googles side.  I can tell its this because of the way it gets worse as the US wakes up.

Most of my house has signal of -70dBm or better.  I am currently in my office which is about the worst coverage and I am sitting at -62dBm and link of 390Mbps.  My network maxes out at 700 ish.

There is plenty of headroom!


My phone, well yep, could be a problem - but it runs all other apps ok.  I dont use a lot of apps, and I do restart my phone from time to time and it makes zero difference.

Yesterday my post man had a parcel.  He came and pressed the door bell, I did not answer (as I did not get a notification).  He walked down the side of my house and left the parcel near the kitchen window.  2-3 minutes later I walk into the kitchen and see the parcel... jeez... as I walk outside to get the parcel I get... ding.... "someone at front door".... so total lag was about 4 minutes.

This was around 1pm UK time.  So right around morning in the east coast.  I am sure its connceted.

Anyway, thanks for your reply!!



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


I’m sorry for the delay. I know how it feels when something isn’t working the way it should, and we appreciate your reports here in the Community.


Follow the troubleshooting steps below (try to trigger a notification to test after each step):


  • Connect the mobile device to another Wi-Fi or cellular network.
  • Sign in to your account on another mobile device.
  • Connect the Nest cameras to a different network.

More information here: Nest notifications not working.


Let me know how it goes.


Thanks for chiming in, Emerson.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,


I’m checking in to see if you still need any assistance. Have you had a chance to try the suggestion above? If so, how did it work out?




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everybody

Just one final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, we would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let us know.

I appreciate your response, Lance.

Community Member

Hi I did type out a lengthy reply  - for some reason it didn't post.

On Friday I retuned my wifi network to ensure it was on a clear freq.

I restarted all nodes in order and checked they were connected in the right sequence.  They still are.

I have seen a slight improvement.  But I am still monitoring.

I will come back to this thread and update in a couple of days.  At the moment it seems to still be an issue but rather than several minutes of delays its now 15-30 seconds.

For what its worth have managed to get the coverage to the entire property better than -60dBm now.  Prob average about -55dBm but in most of the house into the 40s.

I have also ordered one more node just to boost things in one area.

My average load times are now about 11 - 12 seconds.  But some cameras do load faster than others.  My door bell is always the slowest - even though its in the best coverage. 



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


@Xoom22, that sounds like a plan. Keep me posted. Let me know if you have any questions.


@kq, buzzing in — do you still need our help? Don't hesitate to reach back if you do.


Thanks for the help, Emerson.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone.,


@Xoom22, how is it going with your Nest devices? Keep me posted.


@kq, It's been a few days since your last reply. If you have any questions, let me know.




Community Member

Its still hit and miss but nothing else I can do. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Xoom22,


I’m sorry to hear that you’re still having issues. Let’s check this out — could you fill out this form and let me know once you’re done?


@kq, I just wanted to jump in real fast to see if you saw our reply and to see if you still needed some help on this or if you were able to get it sorted out. Let me know if you have any questions.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Xoom22,


We haven't received your form. Have you had a chance to fill it out? Just in case, here's the link.


@kq, I just wanted to jump in real fast to see if you saw our reply and to see if you still needed some help on this. Let me know if you have any questions.I just wanted to reach out quickly to see if you have seen our reply and if you still need assistance with this. Please let me know if you have any questions.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Xoom22,


Our team would like to take a look at this. Could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?


