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Phantom ringing

Community Member

Doorbell is getting 16 volts and chime puck is installed. I am getting ringing even if doorbell chime is turned off in app. This seems to happen more when it's windy. Before I replace doorbell transformer, is there anything else I can try?

1 Recommended Answer

I replaced the old transformer with a new 16 Volt 30 VAC a couple of weeks ago. Although the old transformer was 16 volt it may not have been 30 VAC. Anyway, since I did that, I have not been having phantom ringing or the doorbell going offline.  Thanks for your and the community's help.

View Recommended Answer in original post




You could check to make sure your chime puck is wired as shown in the Help topic below, and your transformer is 16V 30VA (many customers have upgraded to that):

It's also worth noting that other customers have had trouble with defective 2nd gen doorbells or chime pucks, as in this thread:

You could try contacting Support, using the link and instructions in this post:

The doorbell goes offline frequently. Is that also caused by the transformer?


Unless your transformer is really poor or your chime puck is mis wired, or your chime puck or doorbell is defective, I think that might be a Wi-Fi issue.  Having your chime ring even with the "Indoor chime" option turned off seems more like a wiring or chime puck issue (or a seriously defective doorbell).

I had to add a WI-FI extender for the doorbell. The doorbell and phone are on that network.  

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi everyone,


@brandy1990, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. The Nest Doorbell (wired, 2nd gen) has higher power requirements than most doorbells. You need a transformer that is rated for 16-24 V AC, 10-40 VA to provide enough power to your doorbell. If you've already installed your doorbell and you see a blinking yellow light on the front, your doorbell isn't receiving enough power.


I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.




I replaced the old transformer with a new 16 Volt 30 VAC a couple of weeks ago. Although the old transformer was 16 volt it may not have been 30 VAC. Anyway, since I did that, I have not been having phantom ringing or the doorbell going offline.  Thanks for your and the community's help.


I think that's common.  Our very old transformer was 16V, and was probably 8 or 10 VA, but the print was worn away.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


@brandy1990, thanks for sharing your experience in resolving your concern. We’re delighted that you were able to find a solution, despite the initial challenges. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at the Nest Help Center.


I appreciate your help, MplsCustomer and Emerson.


All the best,
