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Set different notification settings for home and away per zone?

Community Member

Hey guys. With Google Home's Automation Routines, I've got my house set pretty solid to know when I'm home or away with a series of geofencing routines. I'd really like to be able to use the two states of "home" and "away" to trigger different sets of notification preferences for each zone on my cameras, so that only select notifications will trigger while I'm home. Currently, all I can find is a setting to completely stop notifications while home and only have them enable while away, and then it's at a per-camera level instead of per-zone.


For example, my doorbell has 3 zones: "Gate", which covers the gate to my back yard, "Driveway", which covers the garage out to the street, and "At the Door", which covers the immediate area next to the front door. While I'm home, I don't care about getting notifications about the gate or driveway zones, but I'd definitely like to know when someone approaches the door, for cases like avoiding solicitors vs. knowing that a package was dropped off. So in this case, I'd like to have "Gate" and "Driveway" disable notifications while home and enable them while away, and "At the Door" should always be set to notify, regardless of away status. 


I have similar zone-specific situations for my other cameras.


Is there a way to accomplish this that I'm just not seeing? Or is this a feature request, and if so, how do I get it to the right team?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi akseanor,


Thank you for posting here in the community. I'm sorry that you can't set up the notification separately per zone; this could be helpful when you don't want to receive all notifications for all zones, just one. Help´s here.


For this concern, please review the good articles to check the setting options and notifications to troubleshoot Nest camera alerts. You can also troubleshoot notifications and emails from Nest.


Unfortunately, we do not have this specific feature available. However,  your feedback will be appreciated, and we will work on an update for your concern.


Let me know if you need more assistance.


