07-25-2024 06:12 AM
I just got a new iPhone 15. Transferred all data and apps. Google home app has both homes listed but I can not pull up Nest Cams or Nest doorbell for either location. How do I transfer cameras to new phone? Nothing I have researched has helped. Thank you!
07-25-2024 07:46 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "cannot pull up Nest Cams or Nest doorbell", but there is no such thing as "transferring cameras to new phone". If you log into the Google Home app (or the Google Nest app) using the same Google Account you were using to access those apps on your old phone, you should see the same Google Nest "homes" with the same devices.
07-26-2024 09:21 AM
yes, that’s the problem, tho. I log into my google home app using same account and login info as before. Homes show up but no devices. No cameras listed. They still show up on old phone though data service was disconnected. Receiving through WiFi. Do you think that has something to do with it?
07-26-2024 09:30 AM
I don't know how it is possible to log onto the Google Home app on your new phone with the same Google Account and see the same Google Nest "homes" that are on your old phone but see no Google Nest devices under any of your "homes".