03-21-2024 02:13 AM
Nest Doorbell (battery) is rendered almost completely useless by the following issues:
- It does not ring your phone when the doorbell is rung. Major flaw and the number one thing you'd expect at a minimum from a 'premium' doorbell.
- You only get a single notification with one chime or ping sound that is so feint you wouldn't distinguish it from a WhatsApp message or any other notification.
- The chime notification only works through one Google Hub or Nest Mini device at a time. I own and have setup both.
- There is no add-on chime device that you can plug in to amplify the sound and save this device from being totally useless. Even a doorbell costing a tenth of the price comes with one, and so do it's rivals.
Google please find a solution or fix this.
03-21-2024 08:52 AM
I've seen posts in this forum from Android users saying there is some place in phone settings to configure doorbell sounds for the Google Home app on your phone for Google Nest doorbells.
"Visitor Announcements" for when your doorbell button is pressed SHOULD go to ALL Google Nest Hubs and Nest Minis in the same Google Nest "home/structure", unless they are set to "Do Not Disturb". In fact, many customers have complained that there is no way to limit "Visitor Announcements" to particular Nest Hubs or Nest Minis.
All of Google Nest's doorbells assume that, if you want an indoor doorbell chime sound, you need to wire it to a conventional indoor doorbell chime.
03-21-2024 03:36 PM
Thanks for this, I went through it with Google on the phone today as I already had all these settings setup and they had nothing else to offer and admitted that many other customers had reported that the doorbell notifications are too short and a ring function through to mobile phones is needed for the battery version.
Yet they gave no short term solution, compensation (for a rather useless premium doorbell) and couldn't give timescales of when it would be fixed. Which if course won't be for this doorbell, they'll just expect users to buy the new one....they've lost a customer in that one.
To be frank I'm shocked Google even let this product hit the factory run. It needs to do one thing, make a long loud ring and the rest is all an add-on. Instead it's a fancy night vision camera with a weak bell.
04-02-2024 06:44 AM
Totally get this. What a waste of time. I bought this as my home is all Google thinking it would notify me PROPERLY when I'm out and someone has rung the bell. Also have a home screen widget that pops up that you can choose to open or decline.
Right now. I agree, all that money for a doorbell that's only really functionality is best when you're home. 🤦
Come on Google get a grip we bought this doorbell for this (and other) functions. Don't you dare include it in the next gen when is should have been a basic function.
04-02-2024 08:21 AM
I would recommend making a formal complaint to Google. I got £50 compensation for it but that still doesn't make up for the hours of my life wasted calling and emailing back and forth, searching for fixes, and installing and taking down the doorbell. Really I would prefer they don't sell this product, take our money, and waste our time.
04-04-2024 12:59 PM
Hi folks,
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the Nest Doorbell. I understand your frustration and appreciate your patience.
In the meantime, your feedback is valuable to us. Please feel free to share it using this link. It will help us improve and prevent similar issues in the future.
Thanks again for your understanding.
Best regards,