08-23-2023 02:51 AM
I have 5 cameras who has worked okey, not so good as i think they would if you look at the price.
They have gone off-line three times and it seems that it happens when i leave the home for a longer time.
The wifi its okey, the other things i have at home working whitout any issue.
So i think i have to get another drive to my house and make another restart.
I have read something about that the software has a bug, if that is the case i wounder why google not make a fix now and not tomorrow.
08-23-2023 01:17 PM
If 5 cameras all go offline, that would seem to point to some sort of Wi-Fi issue.
Is the power going off when this occurs? Several of our Google Nest Outdoor Cameras often have to be unplugged for a minute in order to get them to come back online when there is a power outage or power interruption.
08-23-2023 01:30 PM
Hi no powwfailure just going off line, and i need to reset them totally
08-25-2023 03:00 PM
Hello jope,
I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this. No worries; we'll check this out. Just a few questions: Did all of your Nest cameras go offline at the same time? Is there any other Nest device that has the same issue aside from the Nest camera? Have you tried doing a factory reset on your Nest camera? Here is a link on how to restart or factory reset a Nest camera or doorbell.
Thanks for the help, @MplsCustomer.
I look forward to your response.
08-27-2023 11:42 PM
Hi all the Cameras has been reset for the third time in two months, it seems to a issue with the home and away function i think, the cameras has worked for 26 hours now so tie will tell.
I think that there is a bug in the software and hopfully Google will roll out some update soon.
08-29-2023 12:45 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for the information. After the camera went offline, have you checked the video history to see if it still has event recordings?
08-29-2023 11:32 PM
Hello some time the cameras has recorded some material and sometime not, its no diffirent wifi or anyting else.
08-31-2023 05:42 PM
Hey there,
Thanks for verifying. Just to check the recordings from the camera after they went offline, are you able to view or download the recordings? or does it just say video unavailable?
I look forward to your response.