07-15-2022 09:27 PM
i need help to retrieve lost vidoe
07-16-2022 11:14 AM
What do you mean by lost video? If you have a nest aware subscription then it should be there. If you do not then the video is gone and can no be retrieved. You can also try and get help from a Google Nest Tech by opening a support ticket here:
07-19-2022 06:18 PM
Hi folks,
I appreciate the help @EmptyNester. Checking in to see if you have further concerns about your recording? Feel free to update this thread, and we're happy to assist you further.
07-23-2022 09:24 PM
Hi there,
We haven't heard any updates from you. Please let us know if you still need help as we will be locking this in 24 hours if we won't hear back from you again. Feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help.