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Chromecast w Google TV frame rate stutter

Community Member

This happens across all apps some more than others.

I am using the Google TV interface.

This was not an issue with the Chromecast 3rd gen when I cast from my iphone.

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I'm sorry for the late response. This has been forwarded to the team and they're looking into this. I'll loop back in once we have an update about this.




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In my many tests I also noticed an improvement by dropping from 60 to 50hz - game mode off - but it's still well below the  smoothness of the inbuilt streaming apps (Tizen).

Well here's my update:

Looks like Google have given up on this one. I opened a ticket around early October. They (or at least their unconvincing bot) batted away my questions for some time (such as suggesting I take it up with the manufacturer of the 4K ChromeCast). I stressed that it works fine with the built-in Samsung app. Their last reply was to get another 4K TV. Presumably one with poor streaming apps so the CC didn't look so bad. No replies since then.

It's a numbers thing of course. Only a certain percentage are bothered with some stuttering so that market is not worth addressing.

Community Member

Disable game-mode. I think it's turned on by default. Fixed the problem to me! I've been waiting for this for months, such a simple fix! Noticed it on a reddit forum. 

Community Member

I wonder if turning off game mode lets your TV apply motion smoothing to reduce the stutters. If so, it's not really a proper fix.

Community Member

I had already disabled that. After this much time past I am starting to look at alternatives to chromecast. I really liked chromecast untill this issue appeared, it's a shame.

Community Member

Facing the same issue when playing content from the app, but works fine when casting from an Android phone / tablet. Seems like a major issue.

Community Member

From what I discovered is that if I play a 4k steam through my purchase, not stutter. If use an app like paramount or max and cast, no stutter. It looks to be a problem in the apps on the device if I play a movie that way, especially if it's 4k UHD HDR.  Hope Google sees this as extra info. Kinda sucks cuz I got the Ethernet adapter thinking I wouldn't have this problems. I sure this is happening to a lot of people they just don't know it's a problem.

Community Member

I can confirm that streaming from phone the stutter is gone. Using the apps on the chromecast it stutters. Only apps not affected are netflix and any google app.


So if your phone can stream 4k to chromecast it works perfectly. Just annoying you aren't able to use the chromecast apps the way it is intended.

Community Member

Found this workaround - 


This worked for me , getting smooth playback on apps as well now 


1) Enable developer options: [](   

2) Go into the developer options and enable the "Disable HW overlay" option

Great job you guys! to bad Google didn't came up with this solution itself.

In de dev. options disabled also all animation parts, usb audio routing which aren't needed on the chromecast. I finally can enjoy my chromecast,

The only part I have to check is movies with 5.1 EAC. I don't know if the problem was this setting or maybe my mediaserver.

Community Member

Thank you so much. After a year of searching for answers and even processing a replacement through Google, I finally have an answer. 

do we even know what this optio. Is doing?

Community Member

Tested with disney plus, seems to work! Awesome!

Community Member

Watching Rebel Moon on Netflix now. With the settings still same issue. Every now and then (every 10 seconds?) it skips a frame. I still have to change the refresh rate manually between 60 and 50. So, I'm wondering, what is different for you guys now with these settings? 

If 50 works for you than all good, but, technically for best playback quality you should change it to 24 for cinematic/movies etc. 

A lot of Netflix is 50 or 60, when I put it on 24 it is never smooth. I notice that the hw overlay is doing something, but saying it is the solution, no, it's far from that. I want apps to automatically change to the right refresh rate when needed. There is only one app doing a good job on its own and that is Plex. It has the automatic change refresh rate option and that works very well.

Community Member

Netflix has frame rate matching. It’s one of the only apps that actually works correctly. You will know it’s working when the frame rate matching notification appears in the top right corner. Maybe make sure you are using latest software versions?

Community Member

This has all gotten better for me in the last few months BUT still not as good before they updated everything.   So you folks are saying as long as framerate matching is set to seamless or nonseamless (basicall NOT set to never) and 24, then that is likely the best config today since Netflix will change itself?  

Honestly, I felt like I had one or two apps that wouldn't play in 4K with the lower frame rates, but maybe that was not the root cause and just anecdotal.

Community Member

About the video stutter, indeed disabling HW overlays helps a lot. However the frame rate matching option is useless outside of Netflix, Plex and Kodi.

Although I understand Google cannot force HBO Max, SkyShowtime and the rest to fix their apps, it's ridiculous they did not fix their own YouTube. Videos at 25fps are almost unwatchable on 65" even on their own streaming platform. And the bigger the screen, the worse is the viewing experience. On 120" projector screen videos are definetly unwatchable.

I'd suggest sending a feedback trough the chromecast menu to make some noise on the topic. Did it for my own already.

Agreed, feedback sent from end too

Community Member

In 13 days, it will be 1 year since the expert Jennifer replied saying that she would return with updates, I do not follow the Google forums, to those who follow, is this common?

Is there anything we can do to try to speed up this process? it seems that there was no recognition from Google. Another question, do streaming services recognize this problem on Google tv?

It seems that not even the community has answers to my questions, the thing to do is to throw away the device. Google has truly disappointed by just ignoring the problem. I hope people spread the word about this issue so that others don’t buy this crap.

Community Member

After testing for a couple of days I agree that enabling disable HW overlays does indeed help. Unfortunately it somehow doesn't save the setting after a restart. I started to watch a series on Disney and noticed a difference. Going back to developer options showed me it was turned off again. The other setting (usb) was still enabled. Anyone having the same problem? 

Community Member

Yes exact same behaviour here. Resets every time I restart the Chromecast. Thanks for pointing it out. 

Community Member

I just bought one the other day. I immediately experienced the stuttering and went online to soon fint out that I've been played by Google. What a letdown, again.

Community Member

Bro I bought it yesterday and same problem did you found a solution?


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No, I didn't. I actually unplugged it and went back to my Samsung Smart Tv Hub. It was too frustrating to deal with.

Community Member

Will you return it?

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I think I just found a solution so I whould like to inform you, I disabled from audio setting Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Atmos with Dolby Digital Plus and DTS now it seems like it works fine

But I want to use these audio options, so maybe a workaround for stutter, but I guess I'll lose my audio options. 

Uh thanks for testing out options and good for troubleshooting by Google but WTF is the point of HD/ 4K content if I have mono sound from the 1900s?

Community Member

I've tried the audio and hz-settings, and even if there seems to be a improvement at first you will soon enough experience the same issues again..

Community Member

Bruh yea I think you are right now it started again, the heck do we have to do to fix it I disabled so many setting but nothing.

Community Member

Oh and manually setting it to 24hz

Community Member

I just bought it and I see frame rate shutter they still did not fix it?


Community Member

The only thing that has made any difference for me is to disable HW Overlay in the developer settings. The instructions are in this thread somewhere. Once I did that the stutter went away. The HW Overlay setting rests every time you manually restart the chromecast (but you can turn it off and on with no problem). 

Community Member

Thx Ill try it when I get home does it really work or its just for a while?

Community Member

It’s worked so far for me.

Community Member

Same. I'm watching UHD 60HZ slow drone footage without any stuttering. Nice work from the community with this temporary fix and no thanks to Google.

Community Member

Oh wait it really works?

Cant wait to try it

Community Member

Bro you are a life saver❤️, I was about to return it guess now Ill keep it.