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Deleting automations

Community Member

I found a discussion on deleting personal automations.  I still have not found a resolution.  There in no trash icon.  Also why do you, in all your infinite wisdom make automations that cannot be deleted by the user.  Please stop doing crap that I can do for myself or give me enough control so I can delete unnecessary automations I don't want or need.  Also, I've tried to delete them on at least 3 different devices.  That is not a resolution.  There's no way to edit the name of any personal routines either.  I'm trying not to use Alexa so please stop giving me ammo to do that. 


Community Member

You're right, there are automations that you cannot delete.  Yes, on automations you can't delete, you can't change the name.  Not ideal, but that's the way things are.

You can deactivate them.