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Migration Nest to Google App - how do I change my existing email address in existing Neat acct

Community Member

How do I change email address in my nest acct to begin the migration to google??  It sends the security code to my

old/obsolete email that doesn’t exist so I can’t proceed from there!!!’


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Are these the steps you're following?

  1. Open the Nest app and select Sign in with Nest at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Enter your email address and password, then tap Sign in.
  3. Tap the settings cog. 
  4. Select Account, then Manage account.
  5. Tap Account Security, then Email address.
  6. Enter your current account password and the new email address. Retype your new email address to confirm.
  7. Tap Save changes.
  8. Check your new email address for a message from #. Tap or click on the included link to verify the new address.