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Hey Nest Community, We wanted to provide an update on the animal detection starters for scripted automations. When we first launched support for camera events in the script editor, there were separate animal detection starter types for dog and cat de...
i s there a way to prevent accidentally turning something on i.e an electric blanket that I accidentally turned on partway thru the day only found out at bedtime would like to avoid this happening again
My old phone that I cannot access has ownership of my google speaker and even if I request access from my new phone I can’t get ownership since I no longer have my old phone how can I fix that
Wonder if anyone has this problem? When British Summer Time ended and the clocks went back our Nest schedule stayed an hour wrong so the heating should come on at 08:45 but instead it does 07:45, the clock on Nest has the correct GMT time but the sch...
I have a Google NestIs there a way I can set it for a permanent HOLD at 55'Thanks
We have just moved into a house where a nest thermostat system is installed. As the previous owners took the actual thermostat with them, we have bought our own. However, we cannot get the underfloor heating to turn on - only the radiators turn on wh...
I've been using tuya based smartbulbs and google home doesn't seem to be able to change the color on any of them with the new routine system. I created a routine to change the color, selected it and saved everything, but everytime I try the routine g...
I’ve got a few locations setup with nest cameras, on the nest app with the nest subscriptions. Love it for years. So I go and recently buy the Nest w/flood lights which must be installed using Googlehome?? WTH… and will not allow me to place on Nest ...
I have a Google Nest battery camera setup on my Google Home account and for a while was receiving notifications from the app to my phone (pixel 6, Android 13), but stopped receiving them after about a week with the device. I can go into the app and v...
I had a hard time getting the first Smart Life wall switch to pair when first installed and I ended up installing it several times. On the Smart Life app everything works. But on Google home the same switch appears 3 times.How do I get rid of the ext...
Anyone else having trouble with the Nest Hello Camera video recordings not loading?I can see the screenshot, but when I choose the option to view the video it won’t load, just spinning wheel.I reset the camera and I updated the iOS on my phone, still...