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Nest Camera / Google Display Viewing Issue

Community Member

Good morning.  Just recently my battery operated google nest camera is not visible on one of my google displays. We have 2 cameras and 2 displays, I can see both cameras in the home app and I can also see both cameras on 1 of 2 google displays.  It use to be there but has recently disappeared and I can't seem to get it back.  I tried restarting the display multiple times with no changes to the situation. 

Any ideas on next steps? 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey NicYeager,


That certainly hasn't been easy for you — let's see what's going on.


What Google Nest Display ( Nest Hub or Nest Hub Max) do you have? Are you viewing the camera using the Home Control section of your Nest Display? Also, when you stream your camera on your non-working Nest display via voice, are you getting any message? If not, what's showing on your display? 


Looking forward to your response.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello there,


It's me again. I don't want to be a nudge but I'd like to check if you still need help viewing your Nest Camera to your Nest display. Let us know so that we can assist you further.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi NicYeager,


We haven’t heard any updates from you. I’ll go ahead and lock this thread in 24 hours. If you still need assistance, feel free to start a new thread in the Community and we’ll be happy to help.
