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One or more devices are unavailable...

Community Member

When I run a routine that controls multiple devices , Google Assistant says "one or more devices are unavailable, you might try setting them up again in the Google home app". I can't find a log or anywhere that says which devices it thinks are available. I have probably 45 devices on my home and I can't find any that aren't available. How do I see which devices Google Home thinks are unavailable?

1 Recommended Answer

Community Member

I assume you created your routine from the Google Home app. You could disable that routine and create one with the Google Script Editor. It has a log that might indicate which devices are unavailable. However, I had this problem too when I used the Home app ( and I have over 60 devices) and the problem just went away when I used the Script Editor.

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Community Member

I assume you created your routine from the Google Home app. You could disable that routine and create one with the Google Script Editor. It has a log that might indicate which devices are unavailable. However, I had this problem too when I used the Home app ( and I have over 60 devices) and the problem just went away when I used the Script Editor.

Community Member

Try starting the routine on your phone with hands-free or manual Google Assistant. Devices not available are shown on my Android phone.

It could be your Wi-Fi is stretched and the router might need to be turned off for a few minutes to reboot. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


Thanks for the input, salbando and SmartHomeH-TAGS.


iMGin3D, thanks for reaching out and letting us know about your concern. We'll work together to identify the cause of the problem and find a solution. A few questions: when did it begin? Were there any recent changes made? Are you able to control your devices individually via Google Home app or via voice command? 


I look forward to your response.




Community Member

I am having this same problem. I confirmed all of the steps in my automations are working fine. This is happening in every automation I have and it aggregatingly repeats it 6 times. This just started a few weeks ago. Please do something about it.