10-29-2022 06:50 PM
I have a honeywell thermostat that I want to replace with a Nest-e. There are only two wires coming in to the Honeywell. A red one and a white one. Neither wire is labeled. How should a hook up the Nest? Do I need a Nest power connector?
Note: This is heat only. Not heating a cooling.
11-03-2022 10:59 AM
Hey there,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. I wanted to follow up and see if I could be of any help. I found an article with more details on compatibility. Please let me know if you are still having any trouble from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
Best regards,
11-07-2022 11:45 AM
Hey there,
I wanted to check in and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know, as I would be happy to assist, and answer any questions you may have.
Best regards,
11-08-2022 10:19 AM
Hey there,
I wanted to check in, and let you know that I will be locking the thread in 24 hours.
Best regards,