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Camera not recording events

Community Member

My car alarm just went off mysteriously in my drive way with my camera pointed right at it, it took me about 30 seconds to a minute to find my key and turn it off, went out there investigate what cause the alarm and then remembered I could check my camera, but my camera only started recording when I went out to check it out. Similar instances have happened where my camera didn't pick up the mail man or other events. Why am I paying for a service that isn't working? Am I doing something wrong? I spent hundreds of dollars for the equipment and 12 dollars a month for what?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, 


I apologize for my late response and thank you for all of your patience while waiting for a reply. I understand how frustrating your situation must be, and I would love to help however I can. Do you still need assistance?


Best Regards, 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Just checking in to see if you still need assistance with this issue as there's been a lapse in activity.


Best regards,


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Just checking in to see if you still need assistance with this issue.  We'll leave this topic open for another 24 hrs in case there are any follow up questions or comments.


Best regards,
