02-07-2024 05:14 PM
I have a Nest Learning Thermostat with the USB port on the back to charge the battery if it shows as being low.
I estimate I have had this thermostat over a year now. It has operated perfectly, including recognizing the extra sensor I have in my living room, until about a week ago. The first clue I had that something was failing as that the thermostat stopped recognizing the sensor. I quickly discovered that the battery was showing as low. So I charged it fully via the USB cable. That lasted perhaps 2 days. This morning, battery low again. Charged again, for at least two hours. This evening, already low again.
Any help as to why my thermostat, which had been working flawlessly, suddenly has a battery that apparently won’t even hold a charge for a day?
02-11-2024 07:57 AM
Hi CANestThermo,
Yikes! I'm sorry to hear that your thermostat is not holding charge anymore. A few questions:
I'll look forward to your response.