Hi Batesfam,
Yikes! Let's see what's going on. A few questions:
- Are you located in North America or Europe?
- What type of Nest Thermostat do you have?
- Is the Nest thermostat newly installed?
- Does the thermostat screen indicate that it’s actively calling for heating?
- What type of furnace do you have? (gas, electric, etc.)
- When did heating last work?
- Did heating ever work with the Nest thermostat?
If not: Did the heating work with the previous thermostat?
- Did you turn off the power to the HVAC system?
- Did you recently turn off any breakers?
- Have you recently experienced a brownout or blackout?
- Is there a light switch near the heater that controls an outlet?
- Did you select the correct fuel type?
- Do the LED lights blink on the HVAC control board? If yes, locate the light.
- When was the last time you changed the furnace's air filter?
- Have you experienced extremely cold weather lately?
- Is this the first notable temperature drop of the year in the area?
I'll look forward to your response.