03-04-2024 07:17 PM
Our thermostat seems to kick the heat on but then it often stop short of the set temperature. We can usually get it to kick back on by turning the heat down and then back up but the thermostat consistently stops heating before it has reached its desired temperature. The heater seems to be working just fine and wondering why toggling the thermostat keeps getting it to work.
03-04-2024 11:06 PM
Here are some possible solutions:
Check the Nest app settings:
Make sure your Schedule is not lowering the temperature at certain times of the day.
Turn off Auto-Away if it is on, as it may reduce the temperature when it detects no activity.
Inspect the thermostat:
Ensure there are no air vents or other objects blocking the thermostat.
Confirm that the Nest is mounted level and firmly on the wall.
Restart the Nest:
Press and hold the ring and rotate the thermostat clockwise until it reboots.
Check the system:
Clean or replace your air filters if they are dirty. Dirty filters can affect the airflow and heating efficiency.
03-09-2024 01:21 PM
Hello folks,
I wanted to stop by and see how I could help.
Thanks for the input, steve81uk.
@Foxmatt, it sounds like you're dealing with a bit of a thermostat mystery. Situations like this are usually caused by power-related issues. There are a few things you might want to check to troubleshoot the issue.
In the meantime, your workaround of toggling the thermostat seems to reset it temporarily. While this may not be a long-term solution, it could be an indicator that there's a communication issue. Gather the power readouts in the Equipment settings or in the Technical Info settings.
Let us know how it goes.
Best regards,