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Need help - Thermostat is offline and I forgot my PIN.

Community Member

My thermostat is offline so I cannot use Nest App.

I also forgot my PIN.

How do I reset the thermostat and get it to connect to WIFI?

The WIFI is up and running and other devices can connect. I have restarted the router multiple times to no use.

1 Recommended Answer

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

If you can't control it using the app anymore, you'll need to reset it using a computer.

  1. Connect the Nest Thermostat display via USB to a computer.

  2. Verify that the Nest Thermostat mounts (appears as an attached drive icon).
  • If the Nest drive will not mount: Restart the thermostat and the computer.
  • If the Nest drive still won't mount: Connect another device to the cable to see if it appears as an installed device.
  • If it doesn't appear, use a different cable/port/computer.

If the Nest drive is successfully showing up on your computer, can you see a technicalinfo.PLIST file? If you get this far let me know and I'll ask a community specialist to assist with next steps, as these can't be shared publicly in the community.

View Recommended Answer in original post


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

If you can't control it using the app anymore, you'll need to reset it using a computer.

  1. Connect the Nest Thermostat display via USB to a computer.

  2. Verify that the Nest Thermostat mounts (appears as an attached drive icon).
  • If the Nest drive will not mount: Restart the thermostat and the computer.
  • If the Nest drive still won't mount: Connect another device to the cable to see if it appears as an installed device.
  • If it doesn't appear, use a different cable/port/computer.

If the Nest drive is successfully showing up on your computer, can you see a technicalinfo.PLIST file? If you get this far let me know and I'll ask a community specialist to assist with next steps, as these can't be shared publicly in the community.