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Need help with the Wiring for Nest 3rd Gen

Community Member

In my current non smart thermostat, i have the following wires

R     (Red wire going in R)

W1  (Orange wire going in W1)

Y    (Yellow wire going in Y)

G  (Green wire going in G)

B   (Blue wire in B)

W2 (white wire in W2)

Black wire that is not labelled. 

This thermostat has these last 2 wires (W2 and Black) that are not in my other 2 thermostats. This thermostat has Emergency heat too so may be thats why this thermostat has more wires.

My question is how would i connect these wires to the new Nest 3rd, in which letters ?


1 Recommended Answer

Community Member

You have a heat pump system my friend. If you look at your old T-stat, see where it says heat pump with arrows on the left and right side? That will be your wiring configuration. So here is the correct wiring desgination:

R = Red wire (Power)

O = Orange wire (reversing valve)

Y = Yellow wire (1st stage of cooling)

G = Green wire (Fan)

B = Blue wire (Common wire)

W2 = Black wire (Emergency Heat)

W1 = White wire (1st stage of heating)


Follow the instructions on the new Nest T-stat and it will walk you through the setup. Just remember when it asks what kind of system you have, you should select Heat Pump system.


Hope this helps, good luck.


View Recommended Answer in original post


Community Member

You have a heat pump system my friend. If you look at your old T-stat, see where it says heat pump with arrows on the left and right side? That will be your wiring configuration. So here is the correct wiring desgination:

R = Red wire (Power)

O = Orange wire (reversing valve)

Y = Yellow wire (1st stage of cooling)

G = Green wire (Fan)

B = Blue wire (Common wire)

W2 = Black wire (Emergency Heat)

W1 = White wire (1st stage of heating)


Follow the instructions on the new Nest T-stat and it will walk you through the setup. Just remember when it asks what kind of system you have, you should select Heat Pump system.


Hope this helps, good luck.