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Nest thermostat e H153 error

Community Member

Been using the best thermostat e for just over a year. Every so often I get the H153 open therm error. But it's now happening more regularly.

Each time it happened before I checked the wiring and the atag boiler does as have an open therm connection. To correct I need to turn the boiler off and then on.

concerned about the winter months. If we go to visit family and the error occurs then I'm not here to restart the boiler and minimum level of temperature would not then kick in.

Has anyone else experienced this? Extremely frustrating


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @Keef_t

Thank you so much for reaching out. Can you tell me since when you've experienced this issue? Was it since the installation?

Community Member

Yes since installation. As I said the vast majority of the time it works. It just seems to randomly show the error. Recently it has happened more often.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thanks for the info. Are you an installer by any chance?

Community Member

Yes. I followed the self install instructions provided. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

In this situation I'd recommend to have a look at the wires to make sure that they are properly fitted at the boiler and Heat Link. As there are 240 V implied I'd definitely recommend an installer to come and have a look.

Community Member

As per the original message I have checked on the wiring. Assume that since it works 98% of the time that if wiring was faulty it works stop it working all the time. Which is not the case 

Could this be a software issue?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

In this situation it might be the communication of the heat link with the boiler. As this behavior happens at random times, one thing to check further would be the opentherm connection from the boiler.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, just checking in with you. Did you manage to check my last message?

Community Member

Yes, the connection appear correct and stable

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

That's great. Did you try also to turn the power off from the boiler and turn it back on? And same for the Heat Link?

Community Member

Yes. I have done that each time the H153 error had occurred 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

In this situation what I can advise is to have a look at the wires. One of them may be loose or damaged.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi, I wanted to check in. How is it going with your device? 

Community Member

Wires appear in good working order

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thanks for letting me know. Would it be alright if I send you an email on the address associated with your Community account?

Community Member

yes feel free to contact me

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there! I just sent you the email. Please let me know once you've completed the form.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, just checking in! Did you complete the form from the email?

Community Member


 I saw your email. I am currently away from home but return soon. I will then send the details as requested.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Sure thing. Just let us know once you do so me or my colleagues can check for it. 

Community Member

That's the form completed and submitted.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, I've managed to send you an email with some further instructions. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, just checking in with you. Did you manage to check the email?

Community Member

I replied it yesterday to email addy

Please screenshot attached of app. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Could you please check them on the actual thermostat, not from the app? 

Community Member

Just checked. Shows as open therm

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Thank you for checking. Could you tell me if you have a wire in the OT terminal from the Heat Link?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there, just checking in with you. Did you manage to check the last message?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Since I haven't heard from you in a while, I'll close this thread, but you can always open a new one, should anything else come up. Have a good one and stay safe!