12-08-2023 11:11 PM
My nest learning thermostat will say the temperature is 20 degree inside the room at all times no matter what room I have it in .
My heating is set to 18 degree and my heating never turns on unless I set temperature over 20 degree
Then I have to manually set it to lower than 20 to turn off heating .
I have reset the device also factory reset with no result .
Around the same time this started to happen the water heating will say it is on but its not
Any help or suggestions would be great as I'm about to put this in the bin and disconnect the wired connection
Reinstall the old manual setting device that works
12-13-2023 11:25 AM
Hello Ruu45,
We appreciate you reaching out to us regarding the issues you've been experiencing with your Nest Learning Thermostat. We understand the frustration that comes with having your thermostat report a constant temperature, irrespective of the actual conditions in the room, and the difficulties you've encountered with your heating and water heating systems.
To assist you effectively, we suggest the following steps:
Let us know how it goes.
12-13-2023 10:04 PM
The nest is upto date and everything has been checked ,
With no change ,
I did put the nest in the fridge two times for a few minutes this must of corrected the temperature after the second time the temp dropped and is now functioning as normal.
The water heating is the same using the timer the nest will say water is on and heating . But it is not turning on the system .
It was working perfect in every way before I had to reset the nest .
12-14-2023 01:55 PM
Hey there,
Thanks for the additional details. I'd love to know more about this. A few questions to isolate:
Also, gather your thermostat's Signal strength value in the Network under the Technical Info settings. Enable the Sunblock in the Nest Sense settings and try disabling its Wi-Fi network for 24 hours.
Let me know how it goes.
Warm regards,
12-22-2023 07:51 PM
my nest has also started ignoring the current temp from the active sensors.
It's so bad that sometimes it will be 80 degrees in the active sensor location (shown by the sensor), the shown temp is 69(in the app showing the current temp on the ring), but the desired range is 67-70. the heater will continue to blow until I log in and change the temp range. The app will then update and show 80, but then kick on the a/c, we have been yo-yoing like this for at least a week or two.
I haven't had an issue like this in the many many years I have had a nest thermostat, and not since i installed the remotes sensors about a year ago. That is until this past few weeks, which makes me think there was a software update that messed up the refresh of the current temp.
attached is a photo showing the desired temp range, and current temps of the sensors, but the temp on the ring (70) is showing something other than what the active sensor shows (67). the active sensor is outside the desired range, but nothing is kicking on.
It's very frustrating to have the thermostat tell me the house is 70 degrees, but actually it could be 80 or 60.
01-03-2024 07:33 AM
Hi ssokc,
Thanks for posting and providing detailed information about your experience with inaccurate temperature readings. I'd love to know more about this.
I'll look forward to your response.
01-03-2024 10:27 PM
Network signal strength-72
01-09-2024 11:20 AM
Any input on this?
01-10-2024 02:03 PM - edited 01-10-2024 02:05 PM
Hey there,
I'm sorry for the late reply, and thanks for providing mode details. It seems like you've already tried various troubleshooting steps, and the problem persists.
A few questions: have you tried restarting your Nest Temperature Sensors as well by removing their batteries for at least 3 minutes? Were you able to move or switch their placements or areas in your house to see if they recalibrated? Evaluate any environmental changes that might impact the thermostat's performance, such as new electronic devices or appliances nearby that could interfere with the signal. Also, if you haven't tried performing a reset on them, could you give it a whirl and observe them?
Keep me posted.
Warm regards,
01-10-2024 02:06 PM
I tried removing the battery on one of them that is usually the active sensor. I haven't tried moving them around the house other than moving from one shelf to another. I will try swapping sensors around and resetting them all. Give me a day or two to test that out.
01-10-2024 02:13 PM
Hello again,
Thanks for the speedy reply! Swapping them around and resetting them could potentially help identify whether it's a specific sensor or a location-related problem. Take your time with the tests, and if you need any further assistance or have updates to share, feel free to let us know. I would be glad to know what the result would be.
01-13-2024 08:45 PM - edited 01-13-2024 08:46 PM
I’ve reset them all, and located them all in the same spot. They have varying temps pretty much all the time but it’s with a deviation of about 2 degrees. However the ring on the thermostat still shows a different current temp than what the active sensor shows. I’ll attach an example. Active sensor shows it to be 72, but the ring says it is 70 currently. I have no idea why there is a disconnect since the data seems to show mostly correct in the app, it just doesn't translate to the current temp shown on the ring. (And the schedule seems to follow whatever the ring is showing)
01-13-2024 08:48 PM
active sensor showing 72, ring showing 70
01-26-2024 09:49 AM
Hello ssokc,
I know it has been a while, but I wanted to ensure that everything was covered here. To further investigate this, if you wouldn't mind filling out this form, we'll get you the right level of help.
Keep me posted once you're done.
01-27-2024 11:18 AM
I am still having issues with the ring showing a temperature other than what the sensors are showing. Many times, it doesn't match the thermostat itself either. As shown in previous posts. Nothing has improved since resetting all of the sensors
01-30-2024 09:03 AM - edited 01-30-2024 09:04 AM
Hey ssokc,
Thanks for completing the form; we have received it. Soon, a member of our senior support team will contact you via email. So please keep an eye out for the updates and continue the conversation there. Also, feel free to start a new thread for any future inquiries.
01-03-2024 08:01 AM
2 - Original Nest thermostat was installed 2/22/2012. I have since had to replace it, which was on 3/25/2022. I also installed the 6 additional temp sensors on 3/25/2022. Everything has worked fine until a few weeks ago, it just started to not update the current temp from the active sensor.
3 - The thermostat is installed in the normal location in the hallway, centrally located in the house.
1 - I have tried restarting the thermostat, making sure it is updated, and resetting the schedule and active sensor programming. There is still a disconnect from the temp shown on the ring (see image above) and the active sensor temp. Usually 3-10 degrees outside the scheduled range. If I manually go change the active sensor AND change the desired temp range then it will usually update the current temp (shown on the ring) and start bring the temperature back. However it usually overcompensates and drops the temp to something like 65 before I have to manually go through the process again. (the A/C kicking on when it is 38 degrees F outside is ridiculous.
I have since resorted to switching the mode to HEAT only, but it is still overheating areas of the house and not updating the current temp to match the active sensor temp.
5 - I am not at home at the moment to check the signal strength, but as you can tell I have had this system in place for many years.
4 - No other nest thermostats, just the additional temp sensors. And if this is the end result of using a nest thermostat, I won't be getting another for our house that's under construction. It literally has one job to do.
01-09-2024 11:13 AM
My temp isn't updating and the heater just runs until I log in to check what the sensors read. I've had it say 82 on some sensors, but the nest thermostat itself says 67 on the temp ring, thus the heater continues to run. range set to 69-72. Once I change the scheduled temp manually and maybe swap the active sensor it will update (or refresh) and all of a sudden realize it's hot and the kick on the A/C. It's just a yoyo back and forth, with the app not actually updating on it's own.
I personally think it's a bug in a recent update that people haven't realized en mass just yet.
I'm now switched to HEAT only mode and temps are getting down to 64ish degrees before I have to log back in on the app, switch which sensor is active, and then manually adjust the desired temp, and THEN the ring will update the current temp and kick on the furnace. Desired heat is set to 70. Ring current temp most times doesn't even match what the current active sensor is reporting. (ring may show 72, but the current active sensor shows 64. furthermore NO sensors are reading 72, not even the thermostat. so baffling and frustrating)
01-09-2024 11:17 AM - edited 01-09-2024 11:20 AM
heres an example of the ring current temp not matching the active sensor temp at two different times. this is just an example but I don't have snapshots of the more extreme instances like last night where I woke up to 64 degrees even though the ring said it was 72. I switched active sensors and then adjusted the desired temp from 70 to 71 and then back to 70. The furnace kicked on and then showed the current temp on the ring to be 64. Pretty much at my wits end on this.