12-04-2023 08:22 AM
Nest thermostat not starting the boiler for heating, but when I put water on- the boiler comes on and heating comes on as well. But heating stops as soon as water heating has stopped.
Link and wi-fi all working, tried resetting as well, stopped all smart functions- not sure what to do
12-08-2023 05:44 AM
Thanks for reaching out to us here @manu24 . I am sorry to hear you're facing difficulties with your heating control and I'll do my best to try and assist.
From the sound of it, it seems you have a system boiler at the location with a separate hot water tank, correct? How long has the thermostat been installed for and working before you first noticed this behaviour?
Let us do some tests to see how the relays in the Heat Link behave. Go next to the Heat Link and open the Nest app on a mobile device:
1. Select your thermostat to access the heating controls and make sure the screen is black, heating is off.
2. Turn up the temperature until the display goes orange, heating on, and listen for a clicking noise.
3. Turn the temperature back down until the display is black again, heating off, and listen for a clicking noise again.
Let me know what the results are.
On the hot water side:
1. Go to the Nest app and select the hot water control.
2. Tap on the cogwheel in the upper right corner to go into the hot water settings and toggle the first option there off. This will turn off the hot water schedule, you can enable it back after the test.
3. Boost the hot water for any amount of time and listen for a clicking noise.
4. Turn the boost off and listen for a clicking noise again.
Let me know what the results are.
12-11-2023 05:50 AM
Hi, I wanted to check in. Did you see my last message? Make sure to let me know how things go.