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Users with Heat Link Failure - Read!!!

Community Member

I cannot believe the amount of people posting on this ridiculous forum about faulty Heat Links.

You will NOT get help on here about a repair/replacement.

Anyone who has had a Google Rep help you on this forum with their Heat Link, then please come forward.

Anyone who has issues with the Heat Link do the following, and you just might be better off!

1st Use the search bar in your browser for a Google Nest contact number - Then RING them.

2nd. For all the people that just have not got the time to call a Freephone number, use the CHAT.

3rd, Anyone who just want's to sit back and wait for Google to reply, use the email method.

4th. Anyone who NEVER want's help, post a message on here.

They will help you a lot quicker with a Phone Call or Chat, than waiting for help here, believe me.