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white Rodgers thermostat to nest

Community Member


i have trouble wiring from old rodgers thermo to nest while there is diffrent wiring color.

in my old thermo G is green - Rc and Rh has a jumper connected to red wire - a blue wire connected to W - and a black wire is connected to Y.

there is also a yellow wire like a jumper connected to y and which get connected to G when old thermo is on Auto mode and get connected to Rc& Rh when on ON mode on old thermostat.

the nest connection I did are as followed

Y1-Black,           G-Green,             W1-blue,        Rh-Red

I will be appreciated if confirm I did right



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Mehrands, 


Thanks for posting here in the Community forum and for showing interest in our Nest Thermostats. I can confirm that you connected your thermostat wires to the Nest Learning Thermostat base correctly. For more information about Nest Learning Thermostat, check out this beginner's guide to the Nest Thermostat article. 


Let us know if you have any other questions.




Community Member

thanks for the anwer

the wiring error is Y1 which has no power and it shows red on diagram on nest thermostat.

it doesn`t get power to charge itself and the thermostat shut down.

at the end it doen`t work.

I don`t know if I have uportunity to send previous and new wiring picture?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Thanks for the follow-up. To troubleshoot no power to Y1, follow these: 


  1. Check the system power. First, make sure the power to your system is on. The power switch will usually be in your breaker box or fuse box, but in some homes it will look like a light switch near the heating or cooling equipment.
    • There may be a single switch, or two switches: one for heating and one for cooling. Make sure the power is on for both then check your thermostat.
    • After you check the power, go to your thermostat and check if it's working.
  2. Check the thermostat wires.  Protect yourself and your thermostat and your system. Turn off power to your system and thermostat at the breaker or fuse box before exposing or adjusting any wiring.
    1. Pull off the thermostat display.
    2. Check that the wires are inserted correctly in the thermostat.
      • Check that each wire is fully inserted into its connector and that every connector with a wire is down as shown.
      • Check that each wire has ⅜ inch (6mm) of exposed wire.
      • Turn the power to your system back on and check to see if your thermostat is working.
      • Check that each wire is connected properly to the system board.


Also, please gather the power readouts of your Nest Learning Thermostat's Battery, VOC, VIN, and lIN under Settings > Technical Info > Power. 


Let us know how it goes.


