06-17-2022 10:56 AM
I've just purchased a Google WiFi system but am concerned about the ability to choose a 2.4 GHz channel that so many smart devices have as the only option. If Google doesn't have a management app to separate the two or to turn off 5 GHz while setting up, I'll probably choose a different system.
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
06-17-2022 08:12 PM
There is no ability to separately manage 2.4/5ghz with Google/Nest Wifi.
06-17-2022 08:12 PM
There is no ability to separately manage 2.4/5ghz with Google/Nest Wifi.
06-21-2022 08:18 AM
Can anyone recommend an extender that can step-down from Gig speed to 2.4 GHz? I have a number of devices that don't connect to my new Google Fiber - leak detection, security devices, robot vacuum
06-22-2022 03:50 AM
Fish around the people you know, they usually have a few old 2.4ghz routers stashed away, nobody can ever bring themselves to throw them out!
06-21-2022 08:32 AM
Of zet een pipeline op met een eerste router, e.g. Linksys of Nigthawk. Tweedehands goede en goedkope routers. Die de Nest goed kunnen ondersteunen.
06-20-2022 10:37 AM
Het zou handing zijn wanneer fabrikanten, zoals Philips, ook lampen (van) maken met 5GHz Wi-Fi
ik denk dat we dan van veel Nest Hub problemen verlost zijn.
06-21-2022 10:59 AM
Hey, RGB53.
As Juzdu mentioned there's no way to manually control the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, but most devices can see the correct band and connect without issue. If you have any issues with a specific device, you can post to the community and usually find good help here. As Juzdu was able to answer your question, is there anything else you might need before we mark this as resolved?
- Jeff
06-21-2022 01:38 PM - edited 06-21-2022 01:41 PM
Het verhaal 2.4GHz < > 5GHz met betrekking tot Google Nest Wi-Fi zat/zit mij tog niet lekker. Ik ben op zoek gegaan en het volgende gevonden (beschrijving Google)
Kort: Nest WiFi kiest zelf sterk kanaal.
Standaard is 2,4GHz de golflengte,
dus een groter bereik. Daarom is voor veel apparaten de 2.4GHz band de standaard.
Om het hele verhaal te lezen volg deze link, in Chrome
06-29-2022 01:53 PM
Hey, all.
I'm just checking in to see if anyone still had questions here or to see if we've answered the original post's question completely. If you have any more questions, just let me know.
- Jeff
06-29-2022 02:34 PM
De golven van de 2,4GHz-frequentieband kunnen een grotere afstand afleggen dan die van de 5GHz-frequentieband. Als je telefoon niet tussen wifi-frequentiebanden kan schakelen, ga je verder bij je router en punten vandaan staan tot je telefoon overschakelt naar de 2,4GHz-frequentieband. Ga vervolgens verder met het instellen van je smarthome-apparaten.
06-29-2022 03:45 PM
Darwin's suggestion is a good one. That tends to work for a lot of people. Another option is to create a wireless hotspot with a cell phone as those usually are 2.4GHz when they broadcast. Set up the hotspot with the same network name and password as your main network. Once devices connect to the hotspot, go ahead and turn it off and the newly set up devices will most often connect to the main network after that.
- Jeff
06-30-2022 10:41 AM
Jeff, houdt er rekening mee dat een mobiele telefoon doorgaans werkt met 5GHz. Het ombuigen naar 4GHz kan voor veel mensen een probleem vormen.
Have a nice day,
07-05-2022 03:50 PM
Hi, all.
As we got the original question answered here, I'm going to go ahead and close up the thread within the next day. If there's anything else anyone would like to add or if they have any additional questions, just let me know.
- Jeff