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Google Nest Wifi to Nokia 5G Gateway

Community Member

I have recently had to change over from fibre optic internet to 5g due to the location of our new home.


I have already set up all our smart home devices etc to our google home wifi router and nest points. I have tired plugging the router into the Nokia gateway but the internet connection does not seem to be going through to the google nest wifi router.

I'm just wondering if there some settings i have to change to allow the internet to go through my google wifi router?

1 Recommended Answer

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

When changing internet service provider, especially if the type of internet changes, you need to factory reset your Wifi network and set it up again.

Factory reset your Wifi device - Google Nest Help

Scroll down to the bottom of the article, select “My device isn’t available in the Google Home app”, then select the model you have to see the reset steps. You'll need to do this for each of your Wifi points.

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Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

When changing internet service provider, especially if the type of internet changes, you need to factory reset your Wifi network and set it up again.

Factory reset your Wifi device - Google Nest Help

Scroll down to the bottom of the article, select “My device isn’t available in the Google Home app”, then select the model you have to see the reset steps. You'll need to do this for each of your Wifi points.