03-03-2022 04:18 PM
Have a Google Wi-Fi and a point set up in the house. Both had been working fine but today they both went off line and can not get them to show back up to set them back up. I did a factory reset after several tries but when I start a set up and it looks for devices it still will not show up as found to even start the process. I have tried both and when I plug it in it will blink slow blue at the start then go to white. No idea what to do now?
03-04-2022 04:43 PM
Hi Glewis,
As per here: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/6191584?hl=en-AU#zippy=%2Cgoogle-nest-wifi-router%2Cgoo...
the pulsing blue means it's ready to set up, white usually means that it's finished setup and ready to use.
When you say they 'went off line' did you get a message to tell you that, or did they just not show up in the Google Home app or something?
03-04-2022 04:47 PM
Hey Glewis, blinking blue means it's ready for setup, solid white means it's setup and ready to use:
When you say they went offline, did you get a message telling you that, or did they stop appearing in the Google Home app, or something else? If the issue continues I'd suggest contacting support here: https://support.google.com/googlenest/gethelp
03-04-2022 04:51 PM
Hey Glewis, blinking blue means it's ready for setup, solid white means it's setup and ready to use:
I'm wondering if the factory reset isn't working properly, 'coz they should go solid blue while resetting (can take up to 10 minutes), then blinking blue until you find them in Google Home and set them up. Once correctly reset they shouldn't go white until they're fully setup again.
03-04-2022 06:43 PM
Since I did the factory reset on them I do not have a option any longer on my app to do a reset. They don’t show up at all when it is searching for devices. It is like they are no longer working or on and putting out a signal.
03-04-2022 07:01 PM
No, you'll have to reset them using the button on the device. The instructions are here:
Basically press and hold the factory reset button for 10 seconds. The light will flash orange, then turn solid blue. When the light is solid blue, release the button. Once the light is pulsing blue (could be up to 10 minutes), try and add it again in the Google Home app