11-08-2022 05:52 AM
Hey all,
I have a number of Google Wifi points, with one serving as my primary point and the others as leaves via bridge mode. In Google Home, .. Advanced Settings, Network mode it shows as follows:
Hallway: NAT (standard) mode
Room 1: Bridge mode
Room 2: Bridge mode
Now, room 2 is very far away and the connection is poor, so I would like to connect this with an ethernet backhaul. I have a cable running from the LAN port of the main puck (Hallway) into that room. The cable works fine and when I plug it directly into my computer I get the desired speed via the wired connection.
However, when plugging the cable into the WAN port (or for that matter the other port) of the Wifi puck, nothing happens and the puck remains in mesh mode.
the api/v1/status page for the main puck:
{ "dns": { "mode": "automatic", "servers": [ "", "" ] }, "setupState": "GWIFI_OOBE_COMPLETE", "software": { "blockingUpdate": 1, "softwareVersion": "14150.376.32", "updateChannel": "stable-channel", "updateNewVersion": "", "updateProgress": 0.0, "updateRequired": false, "updateStatus": "idle" }, "system": { "countryCode": "gb", "groupRole": "root", "hardwareId": "GALE C2I-A2A-A3A-A6I-E8R", "lan0Link": true, "ledAnimation": "CONNECTED", "ledIntensity": 0, "modelId": "ACjYe", "oobeDetailedStatus": "JOIN_AND_REGISTRATION_STAGE_DEVICE_ONLINE", "uptime": 4945 }, "vorlonInfo": { "migrationMode": "voobed" }, "wan": { "captivePortal": false, "ethernetLink": true, "gatewayIpAddress": "", "invalidCredentials": false, "ipAddress": true, "ipMethod": "", "ipPrefixLength": 32, "leaseDurationSeconds": 0, "localIpAddress": "", "nameServers": [ "", "" ], "online": true, "pppoeDetected": true, "vlanScanAttemptCount": 0, "vlanScanComplete": true } }
The api/v1/status page for the puck that I've connected by cable:
{ "dns": { "mode": "automatic", "servers": [ ] }, "setupState": "GWIFI_OOBE_COMPLETE", "software": { "blockingUpdate": 1, "softwareVersion": "14150.376.32", "updateChannel": "stable-channel", "updateNewVersion": "", "updateProgress": 0.0, "updateRequired": false, "updateStatus": "idle" }, "system": { "countryCode": "gb", "groupRole": "leaf", "hardwareId": "GALE C2I-A2A-A3A-A6I-E8R", "lan0Link": false, "ledAnimation": "CONNECTED", "ledIntensity": 0, "modelId": "ACjYe", "oobeDetailedStatus": "OOBE_PROCESSING_PLATFORM_FINALIZATION_START", "uptime": 576 }, "vorlonInfo": { "migrationMode": "voobed" }, "wan": { "captivePortal": false, "ethernetLink": false, "gatewayIpAddress": "", "invalidCredentials": false, "ipAddress": true, "ipMethod": "dhcp", "ipPrefixLength": 24, "leaseDurationSeconds": 86400, "localIpAddress": "", "nameServers": [ ], "online": true, "pppoeDetected": false, "vlanScanAttemptCount": 0, "vlanScanComplete": true } }
Any idea why this does not work? I read up quite a bit and came across the STP issue, and removed the unmanaged switch I had initially placed between the two devices, so it can't be that.
One complication I have is that I'm using a glass fibre connection that requires VLAN tagging, which means that I had to install a managed switch upstream from the first Google Wifi point and manually set PPPoe etc., but that should not affect downstream performance in any way?
Any thoughts on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!