03-02-2024 06:26 AM
I purchased the Nest Wifi Pro but never got it to work properly, I'm not connected over PPPOE but getting speeds of 200-300mbps despite the previous setup, which was giving me speeds over 500mb/s
I ran a speed test on the router and it confirms the 1GB (Hyperoptic) speed in upload/download, which it was I was expecting, but then the speed to my device (Samsung s24 ultra connected in wifi 6e) is from 200/300 MB in front of the router (so it does look like its a router issue).
I have read all about what other people were experiencing and tested enabling WPA 3 and also IPV6 which made 0 difference.
I thought these issues were fixed in the last firmware but it looks like it's at the same exact point as when the router come out in 2022?
Can anyone confirm when these issues are likely to be resolved or anything else I should do, I mean for the price of the device I expected no issues.
Software Version: 1.63.377847 (UK)
03-02-2024 06:29 AM
Also, I might add that I did a test putting the prioritization to my mobile device and it made no difference either.
04-02-2024 08:15 PM
Hi @Dan78uk,
I know how important the internet is for you, even more when you are paying for something you are not getting. I apologize for the issues you have been experiencing.
I'd love to help you see what's happening with your internet speed, but I need to ask you some questions to get the root cause of the issue. For security reasons, if you can please fill out this form to get a call back from the Google WiFi team and see what's exactly happening with your router.