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Nest wifi

Community Member

Hi there, the Google wifi app( before it got discontinued) had an option to check the theoretical link speeds between the pods. Is the Google home app support this same feature?


Google wifi the setting was available after running an mesh test-> tab on the  ...( Upper right corner) -> more info.

1 Recommended Answer

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Yes – Mbps is megabits per second. MBps would be megabytes per second. But that isn't typically used in data communications measurements. It would be used for things like memory bandwidth or disk throughput. 

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Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Hello @Avflip 

Yeah, I used that feature occasionally as well. It was handy, but as soon as you left the test screen, you couldn't see those numbers any more. There is a way to see these numbers in the Google Home app, but it's a little indirect. When you look at the details for a wireless client and tap the "Info" tab, at the bottom of that screen you'll see several performance numbers. The first one is the result of the internet speed test that runs every couple of days between your primary Google WiFi unit and a server on the internet. So, that's testing how fast your internet connection is. Then, skipping to the end of the list, there may be a number that tests how fast your device can talk to the nearest access point. If that number is blank, you can click "Check device speed" right below it to refresh that number (for that device and access point combination). If the wireless device is connected to the primary access point, those will be the only two numbers. But, if it's connected to one of the secondary access points, there will be a "middle" number as well, and that is the speed test result for that specific secondary from the most recent mesh test.

So, the good news is this information is still available, and it's even "persistent". The bad news is, it's a little difficult to find.

Community Member

Thanks! Should I read Mbps as MBIT. I'm asking this because it says my ISP (MBIT) speed is shown as Mbps 

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Yes – Mbps is megabits per second. MBps would be megabytes per second. But that isn't typically used in data communications measurements. It would be used for things like memory bandwidth or disk throughput. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi, Avflip.
I just wanted to check in real fast to see if you still needed any help on this. It looks like MichaelP was able to answer this one, so thanks t him for jumping in! If you're still needing assistance, please just let me know and I'll be happy to continue helping.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi, everyone.
As we haven't had any activity here recently I'm going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have more to add, feel free to start a new discussion.