08-27-2023 03:48 PM
Hello. I recently migrated to Google mesh with two access points. My problem I am hoping to get help with us I have a pair of Sonos speakers in my home that I use as a stereo pair. But they won’t work. I have discovered that one uses one access point and the other uses the other one and I believe this may be my issue. Is there a way to assign which access point a device uses?
09-02-2023 11:58 AM
Hi ChillWinston,
Thanks for posting—let's get this sorted out. Your two Google Mesh points are using the same network. Their function is to provide better coverage over a wider space. But as a workaround, if you want both Sonos speakers to connect to the same mesh point, turn off the other mesh point > Unpair your Sonos pair > Create a new pair.
Let me know if that works.
09-02-2023 01:21 PM
Thanks @Alex_S ! I don’t know yet if it will stay fixed but it is working right now. I will respond again if for some reason the pairing reverts to splitting access points.
09-05-2023 08:53 AM
Hi there,
No worries! We’ll keep this thread open and wait for your update soon.